Dental Veneers Explained: How They Work

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Dental Veneers in Sherwood Park, AB


Veneers are a well-known cosmetic dental treatment for smile makeovers. Veneers can fix chipped, stained, or crooked teeth and give you a more natural-looking appearance if you need to repair them. If you are considering dental veneers in Sherwood Park, AB, this article will outline how veneers work, the benefits of veneers, and what to expect from the veneer procedure.


How Do Dental Veneers Work?

Veneers do the job by coming up with a new outer surface of your teeth to make them look more uniform and less irregular. The process is rather precise and includes several steps to produce a good fit and lasting veneers.

1. Consultation and Evaluation

The first visit you make to the cosmetic process dentist is to schedule an appointment to have the process done. The best type of dentist for veneers is one who has a lot of cosmetic dentistry experience. The dentist will check your teeth, discuss your goals, and decide whether you are a good candidate for veneers.   X-rays or digital imaging can reveal the condition of your teeth and gums.

2. Preparation of the Teeth

To create room for the veneers and fit perfectly, a minimal amount of enamel (often less than one millimetre) is professionally removed from the front of the teeth. This process is necessary because it eliminates the veneers from looking cumbersome. A local anesthetic may or may not be administered depending on the patient in order to provide comfort when performing this operation. Temporary veneers might be placed in some instances to cover the teeth until the final restorations are ready.

3. Impression and Personalization

On the other hand, veneers made specifically for each patient are then made from impressions that are precisely taken from the patient’s teeth from their actual condition.  We capture the impressions of your teeth and send them to our dental lab, where experienced craftsmen make the veneers to match the desired colour, shape, and emerald size of your teeth.  It usually takes one to two weeks for the customization.

4. Bonding the Veneers

When the veneers are complete, the dentist will try their fit and colour by fitting them temporarily on the teeth. They can make any necessary adjustments at this point so that the veneers perfectly match the natural teeth. After establishing the optimal fit, the teeth are cleaned and etched to provide a rough surface for a stronger bond between the veneers and the teeth. A special dental adhesive is used, and the veneers are put on the teeth. A curing light is utilized to harden the adhesive and hold the veneers in place permanently.

5. Final Adjustments and Follow-Up

The veneers will be trimmed and polished by the dentist so that they feel natural and comfortable. Small bite adjustments may be made to avoid any discomfort. A follow-up visit is frequently planned a few weeks later to assess the patient’s comfort and happiness with the veneers.


Can You Go Back to Normal Teeth After Veneers?

After dental veneers are installed, the process cannot be reversed as a portion of enamel is trimmed from the teeth. Because the enamel does not grow back, you cannot reverse to your former teeth state once you have veneers. Still, if the veneer gets worn out or damaged after a while, you can replace it. This is why it is important to follow good oral care and regularly go to your dentist so that the veneers may last long.


Reimagine Your Smile with Aspire Dental

If you want dental veneers near you, Aspire Dental provides quality cosmetic dentistry in Sherwood Park, AB. Our proficient dentists are committed to creating your dream smile using top-notch veneers designed to suit your requirements.

Make an appointment today to find out more about how veneers can transform your smile!